Collecting antiques is a wonderful and rewarding hobby. Regardless of the current value of your collection, it’s important to take time to care for your antiques. You’ll want to keep them in top form to maintain their maximum value.
Make sure you are not allowing the antiques to get dusty. Try to dust them frequently in order to avoid the damage dust can cause to your collection. Another thing you’ll want to be aware of is how much sunlight is able to reach your collection. Steady sunlight can harm many different antique collectibles, especially furniture and any collection comprised of fabric or printed items such as stamp and photography collections. Be aware of the weather and humidity levels where you store your collections.
Take the time to research and get to know the different antiques within your collection. Different pieces may need to be cleaned or preserved differently. If you do not already know the proper cleaning technique, try to dedicate some time to find out or consult a specialist prior to cleaning. It is very important to avoid causing any unnecessary damage as a result of your preservation efforts.
One of the most critical ways to care for your antique collection is to make sure that it is properly insured. Collectibles insurance will protect the valuable items you hold dear. If you are a serious collector, you need coverage that will protect the full collectible value of your items. Luckily, MiniCo Insurance Agency has partnered with AXA ART to provide you with an insurance solution for this special part of your life. Take the time to see what coverage options are available to you.