When building a relationship with a client, what does it mean to you? What steps do you take to build a lasting relationship? What can you do to be a better agent?
MiniCo Insurance Agency wants to help you become better at building a lasting relationship with all of your clients. Your clients can potentially lead you to the best reward for any business – word of mouth! We all know that the best source of marketing is by word Of mouth. We have given you a few ideas below to help you build and keep that relationship strong for years to come.
MiniCo has been a leading specialty insurance provider for over 40 years, from self-storage to collectibles and many other specialized exposures. We know what it takes to keep building lasting relationships.
is a key factor. Clients depend on you to keep them informed; that is why you are their agent. This is your chance to make a great impression from the very beginning. Communication should be a top priority for all your clients. This includes letting them know the status of any projects you are working on for them. Even if there are bumps in the road, be sure to communicate that. Email is great, but remember to pick up the phone or set a face-to-face meeting, too. This reminds them that you are on top of their project.
Reward Your Loyal Clients
while gaining new ones. We know that it is always on our mind to gain new clients; sometimes we forget that the existing clients need attention, too. Reward your current clients by doing a Loyalty Program that fits with your company or even just by picking up the phone and saying a simple thank you for your business. This can go a very long way.
Create a Vision
of partnership that the client can see. A potential lasting client wants to see that you are in it for the long haul, and you are actively motivated to see them grow and be successful in their business. That is when they will see you as more than just a vendor or a supplier. You become a partner and help create value today, tomorrow and for many years to come.
Lhea Inzalaco
MiniCo Insurance Agency