Handling Online Complaints And Reviews

It would be ideal if complaints from customers were received via email, but with the rise of online review sites like Yelp, receiving complaints through private channels is less likely. It’s common for insurance agencies to encounter online posts, blogs, and reviews on third-party sites that critique their business. While it is not possible to remove these comments, it is possible to respond. In addition to seeking positive reviews online, Your agency should develop a process for handling online comments and complaints. The following are points to consider:

Always Respond Online

Even if it is only a simple response to a comment left on a review site, it’s important to react to your reviews, positive or negative. By responding to your reviews, you will show that you are “present” in your business and that you care about your reputation.

Consider Approaching Directly

Sometimes the individuals leaving these reviews can be approached directly. This can improve service and also prevent problems from escalating into larger and more visible issues for your company. In your own best interest, some online comments deserve a quick and personalized response.

Keep The Perspective

Before you respond to the customer, it pays to cool off. Think about it in the broader sense. While no one enjoys receiving a negative review, it is a chance to learn. It is better to move forward and embrace the opportunity to improve your customer service.

Don’t Fight, Listen

Do not start an argument, but listen. A confrontational attitude never helps, and it pays to look for the root of the problem. If you can find the core issue, you may be able to reach some kind of understanding. Then you’ll have a better chance at a resolution.

Monitor For Reviews

Social media comments can be answered quickly. Even if the solution cannot be provided, it is important that customers know you are listening. Create a system for monitoring reviews. This can be as simple as setting up email alerts within reviews sites, or monitoring with special software.
The Internet offers the chance to improve your business practices by studying all these opinions. Negative reviews are like an instruction manual for improvement. Complaints are inevitable, but they have to be tolerated. Sometimes even bad reviews supply useful hints on how to improve your business.

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