RFID Technology for Your Insurance Agency

Is RFID Technology a Good Fit for Your Insurance Agency?

RFID (radio-frequency identification) is a technology that tags objects with an electromagnetic field. This means they do not require an internal power source. Objects attached with an RFID tag can be tracked, scanned, monitored, and hold key information. You may have heard of this technology as a microchip implant. This technology is already being used in many areas and is growing in every industry. RFID could improve productivity at your agency.

How RFID is Used

RFID can hold important information. It is common to find USB drives that can easily store 32GBs of information. RFID holds no more than 2KB of information. That seems microscopic compared to the size of data files we use every day; however, this means that RFID devices can be stored almost anywhere. Even though 2KB is a very small amount of data, it is enough to hold the information for identification, a credit card, and a location. Because this is so small, RFID can be built into a wristband, a sticker, and even an implant about the size of a grain of rice.
Big music festivals like Coachella are starting to use RFID wristbands as an upgrade from old school badges. The wristbands are waterproof and stay on tight. They hold enough information so that you do not need to carry your wallet around during the event. When you want to purchase something at the festival, you just have your wristband scanned. There is a company that helps hotels and gyms save thousands of dollars from stolen towels by providing a service that has RFID in the towels. A guest has a badge or a wristband that also an RFID tag and scans a towel dispensing machine. The machine dispenses a towel with an RFID tag. Managers can then find out who has which towels based on what doesn’t get returned.

RFID for Your Agency

  • Track objects
  • Monitor attendance
  • Eliminate badges/keys

Labeling important information with an RFID tag can really help save time and energy, especially if your agency is moving offices or has important equipment that is used by multiple employees. Computer software can show you where the item is within 300 feet. This can help you save a lot of time and energy. Because the tag uses electromagnetic energy, the device needs no internal power source. It doesn’t need to be charged.
Although a lot of people don’t like the idea of having an RFID implant, doing so would allow sensitive information to be stored inside the body where it can’t be misplaced or lost (like a misplaced company credit card). You would no longer need to have employees scan badges or fumble with keys to enter buildings or unlock and start company vehicles. Different employees could have different levels of access to operate equipment or access information. Investing in RFID technology could be a time-saving and affordable option for your agency. Keep up to date with more industry news here. 

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