In order to protect your self-storage operation from cybercrime, it helps to understand the most common threats and tactics used by cybercriminals. This week’s topic is password attacks.
What is a Password Attack?
A password attack often uses an automated system in which different password combinations are used to try to gain entry to a network. A hacker would target an easily accessible site within your system and use a password to gain access to personal customer information for identity theft purposes as well as confidential payment data.
A key tip for minimizing the risk of password attacks is to establish a password management policy for your operation and conduct periodic training for all employees. This training should include password management that covers best practices in how to create strong passwords using a combination of numbers, letters and symbols.
Next week, we will discuss another top cybersecurity threat for self-storage operations: malware.
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Make it a safe day!
Mike Schofield
President & CEO