Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly?
It is essential to be mobile-friendly. These days practically everyone has a smartphone or some sort of device that connects to the internet. You need to get your content out to where your clients are: the internet. Is your website mobile-friendly?
- Mobile version of website
- Responsive and adaptive
- Easy access
Mobile website
Your website needs to have a mobile version. If your site doesn’t, your website will load slowly on a mobile device, and the formatting may get scrambled. That’s one of the quickest ways to have a user bounce right off your site. A mobile version of a website auto formats the site to fit the different screen ratios and resolutions of various types of cell phones. Mobile sites also format websites to be more visually appealing with bigger fonts and simpler organization. Click here to learn more about mobile formatting.
Responsive and Adaptive
Is your website slow? Take out your phone and test it out. If the home page takes between 3-5 seconds to load, the probability of the user bouncing away from your page increases to 90 percent. Help optimize your site by uploading images that are formatted for the web and are a small file size. Properly sized images have a greater effect on the quality of the image than the size of the image. Check that the content on your site works on smartphone. If video isn’t playing on your site, either fix it so that it works or take it off. There is no purpose of having links and videos on your site if they won’t load and play on mobile devices.
Easy Access
Having a website formatted for smartphones and mobile devices allows users to visit your site wherever they are. Users are more likely to pull up quick information on their phones than on a desktop computer. Mobile websites are easier to navigate, and they have menus designed to take users exactly where they need to go without having to scroll through pages and links.
Tablets and phones are common internet-searching devices, and they are gaining in popularity. Formatting your agency’s website to accommodate these devices will help increase traffic and enhance your ability to communicate with your target audience.