Are you overlooking email marketing? Many independent insurance brokers and agents are focusing on social media and local SEO, but email marketing still maintains impressive results. In fact, email has some of the highest ROI rates of any online marketing channel. Consider the following statistics:
- About half of an email list will either open or click on emails. (Epsilon)
- Over 40% of email recipients will make at least one purchase annually based on an email. (
Beyond lead generation, email marketing is helpful for building a community around your business. Plus, it’s a convenient, automated form of marketing.
Here are four key benefits of integrating email into your insurance agencies marketing strategy:
1. Stay engaged with existing clients
It’s easy for insurance agents to concentrate on getting new leads, but nurturing and maximizing existing relationships is important too. Email allows you to update your current clients, while also staying top-of-mind with new leads.
2. Email lists can be segmented and targeted
To keep your current clients and attract new ones, it’s crucial to make sure your messages match the targeted audience. Email marketing allows you to do this by tagging your contacts; most CRMs and email marketing software make this easy.
3. You can measure your relevancy
Since you can clearly see the results of your email campaigns, you can more accurately gauge the interest of your audience. Key metrics can help you to understand how your messages are resonating including open rate, click-through rate, and unsubscribe. You can optimize future communications based on this.
4. Reach your prospects on mobile
Since nearly 70% percent of all email in the U.S. is now opened on smartphones or tablets (, you’ll be reaching your network on what is quickly becoming the most popular platform. Accordingly, make sure that your email templates are mobile responsive.