Methods For Generating More Leads

While there are many ways to generate leads and feed your email marketing lists, there may be a time where you simply hit a wall or need to branch out when your current batch of leads just are not converting.

One of the most popular ways to generate leads using social media is to host a giveaway. However, as an insurance agent, you may be wondering what you can give away. It’s not like you can send clients off with 6 months of free premium! You can, however, hold drawings for gift cards or tickets to local events (concerts, sports shows, etc.). When you do this, you are generally free to ask for a like, share, or for them to tag a few friends. Just remember that if you ask your audience to do all of the above, you need to make sure the payoff is worth it. People won’t necessarily cooperate with all your requests for $5.

Local events are also a great way to showcase how proactive you are in your community. If you are able to sponsor some sort of local team or group, it’s a good way to plug your agency while building relationships within the community. From a booth at a venue to sponsoring a local sports event, there are a lot more ways to get your name on people’s minds than you may have originally thought.

If you offer a niche insurance policy, another type of sponsorship to consider is podcasts. For instance, if you offer the MiniCo Collectibles Insurance policy and are looking for an audience, one great idea would be to run a short sponsorship blurb on a niche collectibles podcast. There are many types of collectibles, so you would have no shortage of options for potential sponsorships. It would just be a matter of finding the right one that will actually send clients to you. For instance, Comic Books are a huge collectible market; therefore, a show that talks widely about comic collecting and has an audience interested in the topic could be a good platform to help get your name out there within that niche community.

Explore new ways to generate leads. Do not be afraid to branch out and try new things until you find something that really works for you and your agency.

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