Tips To Get More Reviews For Your Insurance Agency

Online reviews have become increasingly important for a variety of reasons. One survey showed that 90% of customers’ buying decisions are influenced by online reviews (Marketingland). Plus, Google heavily factors online reviews into their ranking algorithm.
How can you get more online reviews for your agency? The simple act of asking for them in a systematic way is enough to garner many reviews. By proactively seeking out reviews from your current customers, you can generate more online reviews.

  • Make sure your blog and website have links to your review site pages.
  • Add a link in the footer of your emails that links to your review pages.
  • When you meet your clients in person, ask for feedback and ask them to consider sharing it in a review.
  • Remind your clients to look for your business on Yelp, Google Plus, or other review sites.
  • Consider featuring your best customers in videos, blogs or social media pages. By using your clients’ words and real-life experiences, you can more authentically promote your business.
  • It is possible to use negative reviews to your advantage. The key is response and transparency. Don’t delete the comment (unless profanity or some other highly objectionable words appear) and don’t ignore it. Instead, address the issue quickly. Show that you are committed to turning a dissatisfied customer into a satisfied one.
  • Always get permission to use a client’s review. Never use anyone’s name, face or words without permission.
  • Do not offer to pay or compensate a customer for a good review. It’s most likely that you won’t need to! By simply putting an ongoing review acquisition program into place, you’ll collect a significant number of good reviews over time.

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