Two Things to Look for After a Social Media Campaign

So, you’ve run a social media campaign and you’re looking at the campaign results, and suddenly you are feeling overwhelmed. You don’t know where to begin when it comes to showing a measurable report for your campaign.

While we’re not going to be breaking down a full report today, we are going to talk about two small things you can examine at the end of every campaign.

After you’ve built and run your campaign and have appropriate tracking on it through Google Analytics, you’ll want to dive into the account and see your results there. You want to really focus on how many people made it through to your landing page and what they did from there.

Social media campaigns can be run for a variety of things, and you won’t always be able to see every useful piece of interaction on Google Analytics. For instance, if you run your campaign through Facebook, you’ll want to see how many shares and reactions your post received. Unfortunately, many people do not always click through on articles and react to them simply after reading a headline. This is still a valuable result of a campaign, and it is also an important way to check how people are interacting with the content you are providing.

If your content is resulting in a lot of site visits and people interacting with your work through sharing, liking, or commenting, then you are hitting the sweet spot. This is your most desirable outcome. This means you are not only creating content that your audience wants to see, but you are also captivating your audience on whatever platform and bringing them over to your landing pages.

Bringing only a small amount of traffic to your site but still getting a good number of interactions means you could have a problem with how you distribute your content. It could be many different things such as your headline writing style or even the time of day you are posting this content. The audience you’re targeting is right; you just need to spend some time figuring out how to pull more of them into the content.

If you are bringing in traffic but people are not interacting with your content, it might mean that your content is not resonating with them. This could mean that what you are sending out might not be relevant to this audience. Potentially, this can leave you in a pinch if you have a lot of content already geared in this direction. First, make sure you are not misleading your audience with an overly catchy headline that doesn’t actually relate to the article. You’ll end up frustrating a large part of the audience if you are just pulling out flashy words with no real substance. If that’s not the case, you’ll have to sit down and really work through what type of content your audience wants. It could be that the content itself interests them but the medium (link, image, or video) in which you are sharing it doesn’t lead to that interaction. Experiment and learn what your audience wants.

The biggest challenge you can run into is when you don’t have a lot of traffic AND no one really is interacting with your content. There are many reasons for this to happen, but it’s a bit hard to identify what you need to focus on first. It could even come down to your audience size not being big enough. Try running a few A/B tests using different headlines before changing your content strategy. Building a community that will interact with your content is not something that magically happens overnight. As you continue your tests, make sure to keep an eye on the traffic and interactions you are getting.

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