Why Your Agency Should be Using Video: Part 1

Why Your Agency Should be Using Video: Part 1

Video can and should be used in multiple areas of your insurance business. People get tired of always seeing text; videos are captivating, different, and more favorable for search engine optimization. In this post, I will be sharing tips on how you can use videos online to help engage your clients.


  • Build business awareness
  • Build agency brand
  • Educate your clients

People are more likely to retain information from videos than from text that is attached to an image or email. This is a powerful tool for you to take advantage of. Video is an effective tool to talk about your business in detail without using text. The video format allows you to explain what makes your agency unique and different, and to educate your clients about your products and customer service.


  • Explain policies
  • Show available coverage options
  • Demonstrate why protection is needed

New clients are always coming in, and not everyone is an expert in insurance. Having videos to help explain different types of policies and the various types of coverage available can really help someone that is unfamiliar with insurance terminology or a particular type of coverage. Perhaps a client is not aware of how costly it could be to go without proper insurance. Use videos to explain the potential risks and show them that you offer the right protection for their needs.


  • Claim archival
  • Retain extra visual details
  • Client testimonial review

Videos can also be a benefit to your agency in terms of documentation. Use video to show the details of claims and incorporate that information to create “What Could Happen” videos for client education or for future archival purposes. Video can often convey more information than text in a more efficient way by providing visual details that text may sometimes miss. Also, video is extremely useful for demonstrating the potential devastation of a claim. Finally, it’s a great idea to ask clients to send in a video testimonial to talk about their experience with your agency.

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