Navigating the Underinsurance Crisis for Small Businesses

Navigating the Underinsurance Crisis for Small Businesses

Small businesses may not get the same level of media attention as larger Fortune 500 companies, but they’re quietly working away to bolster the economy, provide jobs to millions, and navigate the underinsurance crisis. Businesses with fewer than 50 employees account for 45% of all private sector jobs and keep roughly 56 million Americans...

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Safeguarding Commercial Properties: Tips to Prevent Winter Fires

Safeguarding Commercial Properties: Tips to Prevent Winter Fires

Fires in commercial buildings can happen any time of year, but the risk can rise in winter. The colder months often bring increased usage of heating systems and electrical appliances as businesses work to make spaces more comfortable for employees and customers and to keep equipment and other business assets safe and operational. Winter weather...

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Facebook Pixel and Analytics Are Going Away

Facebook Pixel and Analytics Are Going Away

If you’ve been following our content for a while, then you know that we have often cited Facebook analytics as a useful tool for business owners. It’s shocking to hear that it is going away; however, it may not be as surprising as it seems on the surface. Here is why. Depleting Features Facebook uses a tool called the Facebook pixel, which is a...

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