In the intricate, high-stakes world of architecture and engineering, every blueprint drawn and calculation made carries immense responsibility. Professionals in these fields face unique risks that require specialized protection. Whether you’re catering to architects designing skyscrapers or engineers developing innovative infrastructure,...
The Growing Challenge of Insuring Agribusiness Risks
From geographic challenges to the ever-present threat of catastrophic weather, agribusinesses today face an increasingly tough landscape when securing property coverage. If you’re seeking solutions for clients in the agribusiness sector, you don’t have to go it alone. Partnering with an experienced program administrator with specialized...
Leadership Changes at MiniCo
In life, change is inevitable. In business, change is vital.–Warren G. Bennis, author, On Becoming A Leader Change is a fact of life in every business operation. The market changes, opportunities change, rates rise and fall, and the unexpected is always right around the corner. MiniCo has undergone a number of very positive changes over the past...