
Understanding Equine Liability Coverage: Protecting Horse-Related Operations

Understanding Equine Liability Coverage: Protecting Horse-Related Operations

If your client roster includes commercial agribusiness, farm and ranch clients, or equine operations, you understand the unique risks involved in operating a business that involves horses. If you’re new to these risks, be assured that the equine world is full of opportunities for insurance agents — and comes with its own stable of risks. Read on to learn what equine liability coverage is and why it’s crucial to empower yourself to better serve your clients and expand...

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Preservation Tips for Autographed Memorabilia

Preservation Tips for Autographed Memorabilia

Preservation is a critical concern for collectors of autographed memorabilia. The longevity of these valuable items depends not just on the quality of the signature but also on how well the items are cared for over time. In a recent article published by Intelligent Collector, James Appleton, MiniCo’s Director of Program Sales, discusses key...

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The Growing Challenge of Insuring Agribusiness Risks

The Growing Challenge of Insuring Agribusiness Risks

From geographic challenges to the ever-present threat of catastrophic weather, agribusinesses today face an increasingly tough landscape when securing property coverage. If you’re seeking solutions for clients in the agribusiness sector, you don’t have to go it alone. Partnering with an experienced program administrator with specialized...

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Extreme Weather: When Farmers Need More Than a Raincoat

Extreme Weather: When Farmers Need More Than a Raincoat

If you’re working with clients in the farming industry who are struggling with extreme weather challenges, empathy and information go a long way. Farming has always been a delicate dance with the outdoors, but Mother Nature has recently added unpredictable twists. These weather disruptions not only throw planting schedules into disarray but also...

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Navigating the 2024 Wildfire Season

Navigating the 2024 Wildfire Season

As we approach the heart of the 2024 wildfire season, property owners and insurance agents face unprecedented challenges. The increasing frequency and intensity of wildfires and other extreme weather events are putting significant pressure on the property insurance market. Let’s look at the current wildfire outlook, its impact on the insurance...

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Managing Professional Liability in a Changing Market

Managing Professional Liability in a Changing Market

Navigating the world of professional liability insurance can feel daunting, especially in today’s turbulent market. With rising premiums, increased scrutiny, and ever-evolving risks, staying ahead of the curve is more challenging than ever. However, understanding these dynamics and leveraging the right insurance solutions can help make all the...

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The Ultimate Guide to Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

The Ultimate Guide to Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance

As an insurance agent, you know that legal professionals face unique risks every day. Your clients depend on you to help them navigate these complexities and secure the best coverage. Professional liability insurance isn’t just a safety net; it’s a critical part of practicing law. Let’s explore the options for Lawyers Professional Liability (LPL)...

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Bridging the Gap: Customized Policy Solutions for Emerging Nonprofit Needs

Bridging the Gap: Customized Policy Solutions for Emerging Nonprofit Needs

Nonprofit organizations are the unsung heroes of our communities, tackling society’s biggest challenges and providing essential services. However, running a nonprofit comes with unique operational, financial, and legal hurdles that for-profit businesses don’t face. One significant challenge is finding the right insurance coverage. The Unique Risk...

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Leveraging Risk Management Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

Leveraging Risk Management Resources for Nonprofit Organizations

Nonprofit organizations play a pivotal role in our society, addressing crucial issues ranging from social welfare to environmental conservation. However, managing a nonprofit involves navigating a maze of risks that can threaten its mission, resources, and public trust. Effective risk management for nonprofits is not just about protection. It...

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Navigating New Horizons: Future Challenges for Nonprofits

Navigating New Horizons: Future Challenges for Nonprofits

The nonprofit sector is constantly evolving, and with this evolution comes many new challenges. From embracing digital transformation to navigating increased regulatory pressures and adopting innovative insurance solutions, nonprofit organizations must stay agile and proactive. As their agent, you can help them prepare for the future. Be the...

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Aggressive Predictions: Weathering the 2024 Hurricane Season

Aggressive Predictions: Weathering the 2024 Hurricane Season

The Tropical Weather and Climate Research department at Colorado State University (CSU)  is one of the world’s most respected climate research teams. Beginning each April, the team issues periodic tropical meteorology forecasts that have become must-reads for anyone interested in Atlantic hurricane activity. While the April 2024 forecast was...

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What HNOA Insurance Covers That Traditional Auto Does Not

What HNOA Insurance Covers That Traditional Auto Does Not

Finding out you’re on the hook for huge financial damages — and that your insurance policy won’t cover it — is every business’s worst nightmare. Just ask Metallica (yes, the band!) about the dangers of not knowing exactly what your policy covers – and what it excludes. Thanks to a pandemic-related debacle, the band sought to recoup millions of...

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Safe and Sustainable Growth Strategies for Food and Cannabis Delivery Operations

Safe and Sustainable Growth Strategies for Food and Cannabis Delivery Operations

The burgeoning cannabis delivery industry, like the food industry, has seen exponential growth, driven by increasing legalization and consumer demand. Yet, as many delivery business owners know all too well, with growth comes the challenge of effectively scaling operations. Delivery issues—like delays, regulatory compliance missteps, or customer...

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Safe Delivery, Safer Business: Mitigating Risks in Food and Cannabis Delivery 

Safe Delivery, Safer Business: Mitigating Risks in Food and Cannabis Delivery 

Mitigating risks in food and cannabis delivery is not just about adhering to legal standards; it’s about safeguarding the business, its customers, and the broader community from unforeseen disasters. By understanding and addressing the unique challenges food and cannabis delivery drivers face, businesses can proactively ensure the safety of their...

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Hidden Hazards: Identifying and Insuring Common Self-Storage Property Exposures

Hidden Hazards: Identifying and Insuring Common Self-Storage Property Exposures

Self-storage facilities may look like typical brick-and-mortar business operations from the outside — but, when it comes to insurance coverage, they’re not. The truth is, with their distinct property exposures, self-storage facilities require a different approach to insurance coverage, one that accounts for their specific vulnerabilities. ...

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How to Navigate Slip, Fall, and Injury Risks for Self-Storage Facilities

How to Navigate Slip, Fall, and Injury Risks for Self-Storage Facilities

Self-storage facilities, sometimes perceived as low-risk environments, can unexpectedly become targets for liability issues, particularly in the category of slip, fall, and bodily injury claims. Picture this: An excited college student, arms full of boxes, takes a serious fall while walking down an interior hallway to their rented unit due to a...

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Meeting the Growing Need for Expert Self-Storage Insurance

Meeting the Growing Need for Expert Self-Storage Insurance

The self-storage industry has grown rapidly in the past several years, reaching an estimated market value of $44.37 billion, outpacing many other notable companies like Aflac, General Mills, Humana, and even 7-Eleven.  The reason?  People love their stuff — and they don’t want to part ways with it. According to Josh Leykam, MiniCo Vice...

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Decoding Specialty BOPs: Tailored Insurance to Mitigate Self-Storage Risks

Decoding Specialty BOPs: Tailored Insurance to Mitigate Self-Storage Risks

Most business owners understand the importance of having the right general liability (GL) insurance. What they may not know is that their GL policy isn’t all-inclusive and doesn’t provide protection for losses associated with business personal property as well as other critical coverages. A business owner’s policy (BOP) is an effective option for...

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Collection Preservation: The Collector’s Path to Peace of Mind

Collection Preservation: The Collector’s Path to Peace of Mind

From rare artwork to Wine to unique memorabilia, the world of collecting is both varied and ever-evolving, demanding a strategic approach to collection preservation. A collector’s worst fear is damage to or loss of a priceless, irreplaceable item or collection. For the savvy collector, implementing effective risk mitigation and preservation...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Flood Evacuation Planning

Ensure the safety of your employees and customers by developing a flood evacuation plan for your business that includes the following: Conditions that will activate the plan Specific evacuation procedures Maps of evacuation routes Procedures for accounting for all personnel Emergency functions with staff assignments Emergency equipment Don’t...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Driving in Flood Conditions

If you need to drive in flood conditions, be mindful of the risks and take the necessary precautions. According to the National Weather Service, almost half of all flash flood fatalities occur in vehicles, so it is important to be prepared. Six inches of standing water can stall some cars. One foot of water can float a vehicle. Two feet of moving...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Surviving a Wildfire

According to the National Interagency Fire Center, federal wildfire suppression costs range from $1-2 billion annually. Here are some tips to help you survive during a wildfire. Call 9-1-1 to report a fire. Don't assume that someone else has reported it. Monitor the Emergency Alert System (EAS), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Fire Prevention Tips for Customers

Educate your tenants and customers about fire prevention to help reduce risk at your property.3 Ways to Educate Customers About Fire Prevention Signage: Post signs around the property to remind customers that smoking, candles, and open flame are prohibited. Monthly Bills: Add a fire prevention tip or other safety reminder to each monthly bill or...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Creating Defensible Space for Wildfires

Defensible space is a zone in which vegetation, debris, and other combustible fuels have been cleared, minimized, or treated with the goal of slowing the spread of fire to and between buildings. Here are tips from the Department of Homeland Security's website Tips for Creating Defensible Space Choose fire-resistant materials for...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Pre-Wildfire Mitigation

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), an average of 70,000 wildfires are set ablaze across the United States each year. Lightning can trigger burns, but they are frequently initiated by humans through intentional or unintentional means. Property owners can help mitigate potential wildfire losses, but some don’t take these...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

First Aid for Heat Exhaustion

First aid actions for heat-related illness: Call a supervisor or co-worker for help. If no one is available, call 911. Have someone stay with the person until emergency medical personnel arrive. Move the person to an area that is air conditioned or shaded. Remove the person’s outer clothing. Fan the person and mist them with water. Apply ice bags...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Know the Signs of Heat-Related Illness

Working outdoors in the summer months can mean coping with hot, humid weather conditions. It is important for you and your facility managers to understand the symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat stroke to help prevent these dangerous, and possibly deadly, situations. Symptoms of heat exhaustion: Headache, dizziness, or faintingWeakness and wet...

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Watch Out for Heat Stress

Watch Out for Heat Stress

In many parts of the country, the summer months mean high heat and high humidity – a combination that can be a serious health hazard for you and your facility managers who have to work outside. Here are some tips for avoiding heat stress and heat-related illness: Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothing made of breathable fabric.Drink small...

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Watch Out for Heat Stress

Here Comes the Sun

During the warm-weather months, it's important to take precautions to protect yourself and your employees from the hazards of sun exposure while working outside. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight causes premature skin aging, wrinkles, cataracts, and skin cancer. Remember: there are no safe UV rays or suntans. Here are a few ways to stay safe...

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Watch Out for Heat Stress

Employment Practices Complaints

High-profile cases involving employee claims of sexual harassment, discrimination, and wrongful termination by their employers make headlines on a regular basis. Self-storage businesses are not impervious to this type of trouble. In today’s litigious environment, all employers would be wise to consider employment practices liability coverage to...

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Watch Out for Heat Stress

Employment Practices Liability Coverage

No business is immune to the possibility of employment practices complaints, which most commonly involve complaints of sexual harassment, discrimination, and wrongful termination. With this in mind, it is important to discuss employment practices liability coverage with your insurance agent. Employment practices liability coverage may be...

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Watch Out for Heat Stress

Fireworks Safety

In the weeks surrounding the July 4th holiday, an average of 180 people per day wind up in the emergency room due to fireworks-related injuries according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Fireworks are synonymous with Independence Day celebrations. But in the midst of the festivities, it can be easy to overlook the fact that...

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Pest Control

Pest Control

The last thing your tenants want to discover is evidence of damage to their valuable stored items as a result of insects, rodents, or other pests. Your facility risk management plan should include a monthly pest control prevention program that includes regular inspections and treatment. Hiring a licensed, insured pest control vendor to perform...

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Maintaining Gates and Elevators

Maintaining Gates and Elevators

Gates, gate operators, and elevators are some of the most frequently used features at a self-storage facility. Now that spring is on the way, it's a good time to inspect these systems and make any necessary repairs. This action ensures that these systems are operating at peak efficiently while helping to minimize the potential for costly property...

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Spring Roof Inspection and Maintenance

Spring Roof Inspection and Maintenance

As you plan ahead for the busy summer rental season, one of the first tasks to address is a thorough roof inspection. Roofs and gutters can take a beating during the winter months, and it is important to address any issues before a problem escalates into a leak causing costly damage to the facility or tenants' stored items. Be sure to inspect the...

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Hurricane Emergency Plan

Hurricane Emergency Plan

With the 2022 hurricane season underway, it is critical that you be prepared. The first step is to create an emergency preparedness plan, a basic requirement for all businesses regardless of location. Once the plan has been developed, it is important to communicate it to your managers and employees. Training – Provide ongoing training for your...

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Hurricane Season Forecast

Hurricane Season Forecast

June 1st marks the official start of the Atlantic hurricane season. This year's extended-range forecast by Colorado State University research scientist Dr. Philip Klotzbach anticipates above-normal activity. His forecast for the 2022 Atlantic hurricane season predicts 19 named storms including 9 hurricanes with 4 classified as major hurricanes...

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Flood Evacuation Planning

Downed Power Line Safety

Downed power lines can be deadly. They can energize the ground for up to 35 feet (or more in wet conditions). The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) recommends that downed power lines should always be assumed to be live to reduce the risk of severe injury or fatality. Here are...

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Electrical Safety and Hurricanes

Electrical Safety and Hurricanes

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June to November, and severe storms can strike across the country at any time. The storm preparation checklist for your self-storage facility should include electrical safety considerations. The Electrical Safety Foundation International (ESFI) offers recommendations for before, during, and after a...

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